In October 2015, it became a criminal offence to supply vaping products to persons under the age of 18 in the UK. In May 2016 this law was extended to include some products supplied to customers in other EU member countries.
We've always taken a firm position in this regard, however, as a result of this new legislation, we have implemented further steps to ensure we do not supply nicotine containing products to minors. Unfortunately, simply placing a check box or a date of birth entry when you first visit a website, as some vendors do, doesn't meet the requirements of the legislation. Additonally, the fact you have a PayPal account or a credit card isn't proof of age as some people believe.
When you place an order, if your account hasn't been verified previously, we will first try to obtain age verification using the ID check service which returns a match in around 95% of cases. The ID check leaves a "soft footprint" on your credit record and although this doesn't affect your credit rating, a one-time only manual check is quicker and less costly than a repeated automated check every time you place an order.
This service requires accurate details to make a match and relies on your credit record and/or voting record as well as your full date of birth to make a match. This means you will be required to provide your actual home/billing address (the one you have your bank statement sent to) and your actual birthdate. If you wish to have your order sent to another address such as your work address, that's fine, please enter it as a separate delivery address, but please ensure your billing address is correct, otherwise your order could be delayed whilst we email you to check the information you've given and we will incur additional charges to run your details through the age verification service again if you didn't give us the right details when you ordered.
If no match is found or if your address is outside the UK, you will receive an email requesting a scan or clear photo of your driving licence or passport. Once your ID has been received and validated, it will be logged to your account so we don't need to verify you again. If you supplied actual evidence of age, it will be permanently deleted from our systems.
As always, you can be assured that your personal data will remain confidential at all times, in additional to having a privacy policy in force, we are registered with the Information Commissioners Office under license number Z2286985.
Please also see our Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Statement.
For more information on laws as they relate to nicotine containing products, please see:
The Nicotine Inhaling Products (Age of Sale and Proxy Purchasing) Regulations 2015
The Children and Families Act 2014 PART 5Tobacco, nicotine products and smoking.