DWA Dani 21700 Beauty Ring

Product no.: DWA-RING-21700

Customer ratings for DWA Dani 21700 Beauty Ring

Number of ratings: 10
Average rating: 5
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dani 21700
from on 03/06/2023
dani 21700に使う為に購入。
Finishing touches
from on 14/12/2021
I got this for use with the Dani stab V3 and the Taifun GX. 25-23 it finishes the look of the combo off nicely.
Finishing touches
from on 12/12/2021
I purchased the Dani 21700 beauty ring 25-23 and 25-22 for use with the Dani stab V3 and it looks great. Most recent atty’s I own are 22mm and this just makes it look cleanly finished. Great service as usual.

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