Prostate Cancer UK Donation
Show your support for Prostate Cancer UK by making a donation.
We will send you a pin and an information booklet so you can display your support and help raise awareness.
Your entire donation will be passed directly onto Prostate Cancer UK.
Over 47,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year - that's 130 men every day. Every hour, a man dies from prostate cancer - that's more than 11,000 men a year.
It's currently the most diagnosed cancer in men, accounting for 25% of all cancer diagnosis. 1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime.
In the last 20 years, PCUK have invested over £37 million into ground breaking research and they need your help to continue unearthing new discoveries.
Their ambitious strategy is to tame prostate cancer within ten years. Your donation will help them continue this important work, and help stop prostate cancer being a killer.
Total amount raised since April 2017: £1463.91*
Please do keep giving to this worthwhile cause.
*Includes donations in person from click & collect customers.